
It takes many people doing God's work to make ministry happen.  At Trinity we have several groups of people who are dedicated to serve in different areas to assure the work of the ministry. 

Christian Education - This group provides and oversees many learning experiences for all ages so that the people of all ages may grow in faith and in their understanding of themselves.

Family Ministry - This group is responsible for enhancing ministries for not only the biological families but for the church family as well through learning, sharing, fellowship and caring.

Finance - To oversee the finances of the church and provide responsible management of the assets of Trinity.

Outreach - This group is always searching for ways to reach out to help others in need.

Property - This group's objective is to maintain and upkeep the building and property of Trinity Lutheran Church.  It also provides materials and equipment necessary and helpful for the congregation.

Safety - This group meets to continually strive to make our church and the people entering our doors a safe place to worship or hold meetings.

Stewardship - Stewardship is sharing what God has given you--your time, your talent and your treasures.  This committee does their best to encourage this in the members.

Worship and Music - This group is always searching for ways to enhance the worship experience through scripture, prayer, music and the message of Jesus Christ and to involve as many people as possible to share their gifts.